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Autumn Family Landscape Craft
Preschool Activities Printable Activities Lesson Plan
Introduction and Art Appreciation > The Landscape
Activities |
Activities > 1 | 2
| 3 4 5 | 6 Introduction: 3 to 6 years old This activity will help children learn about the autumn season and colors, shapes, how to create a landscape scene with a My Home and family theme. Weather: You can also focus on a weather conditions (rainy, sunny) by adding rain (glitter or small pieces of yarn) or painting a happy sun. Activity 1: Art Appreciation: What is a Landscape? Introduction to Landscape Art: *A landscape is the branch of art dealing with the painting, drawing, or photography of scenery. Although this activity is not a painting it does involve putting together elements to make a landscape. Look at several examples of landscape painting or landscape art @ Activity 2: Autumn Family Landscape Craft Continue to activity 2 | 3 4 5 | 6 |