Visit the starfish
theme lesson plan activities for animal facts, online learning
resources, crafts and other activities to incorporate with this art
and craft activity.
Activity > Printable Craft > Making a Starfish Necklace or
Materials: starfish
necklace template, light colored construction paper or white
paper, yarn (24 inches per child), glue and scissors. Materials
to decorate star: one or a combination of glitter glue, sequins,
bird seed, and dried tubular pasta to insert on yarn.
Note: There are two templates to choose from in the materials
column. One has one template for a single necklace, the other
two templates to print two -- this is to save on paper
for printing for large groups.
1. Print the template on construction paper in a light color:
yellow, aqua, sea foam, coral, pink, etc. or print in white card stock
and the children can color the star first.
2. Give the children the starfish template cut and ready to
decorate or give older children the template to practice scissor
cutting skills. Tell them they are going to make a necklace to
remember the starfish.
3. Point to children the starfish they are making has five arms
and count together and is called a starfish or sea star because it is
generally shaped like a star.
4. Depending on the ages of the children you can give different
instructions to decorate to make the craft more challenging.
**Younger children: Have them color the star then spread diluted
over the star shape, add seed or sequins (about 1/2 teaspoon per child).
**Older children: Color the star. Using the glue tip
applicator they can trace glitter glue or glue around the edge of the
star first, and decorate and add designs in the center.
5. When the star is dry, fold in half on the center line over
the yarn, and glue together. You can stop here and make a
slipknot to help ensure that a child can safely remove their
necklace. Idea: Provide pasta so children can insert 8
pieces through the yarn on each side of the star and then make a knot.
Activity > Make sure to include activities to present letter S is for Starfish.
Starfish Necklace

2 templates

Letter S Starfish printable activities
Starfish arts and crafts