Alphabet > Letter E · Animals > Mammals > Endangered > Elephant · Books > Elephant theme · Holidays & Events > Aug 12th > World Elephant Day - Sep 22nd >
Elephant Appreciation Day
Elephant Theme Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities
Activities > Science
& Social Studies > Learning about ElephantsEncourage a discussion and dialogue:
- Demonstrate the elephant images in the poster and distribute the coloring version.
- Ask the children if they have ever seen a real elephant and discuss comments.
- What do they know about elephants.
- Do they have a favorite story or book / TV elephant character?
- printer
- white paper or card stock
- coloring tools
- for mini-book or flashcards > scissors, stapler & tape

color poster or flashcards
coloring page version

Elephant online jigsaw puzzle
Bilingual - English & Spanish

Online story time & picture book

color poster or flashcards
coloring page version

Elephant online jigsaw puzzle
Bilingual - English & Spanish
Online story time & picture book
Activity > Elephant Poster - Flash cards or Mini-book::
- Read the animal facts in the poster.
- Have children use a grey or brown crayon to color the letter E e, demonstrate the writing direction with a finger.
- Have children color the elephant images.
- Older children can practice scissor cutting around the solid lines and cut the cards out to make flash cards or a mini-book< staple on one corner or make an accordion book using tape.
Discuss some simple facts about elephants.
- The elephant is an enormous mammal with a very long nose called a trunk.
- Elephants have curved tusks, huge floppy ears, and four long thick legs.
- Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, smell, hug or lift things.
- They use their tusks to dig roots.
- Elephants travel in herds eating tons of plants every day.
- Elephants exhibit emotions: joy, grief, love, compassion.
- African elephants are the largest mammals that live on land.
- Indian elephants are smaller and can be trained to work with people.
- The African and Asiatic elephant are endangered.
Online resources >
- National Geographic Kids > Creature Feature > African Elephant
Activity > Online Jigsaw Puzzle > Elephant
Present this cute six-piece puzzle or adjust to more to practice problem solving.
Activity > Online story time > The Bossy Elephant
Meet Elias the Elephant and his other animal friends in Africa.