Alphabet > Crafts > Letter D · Animals > Birds > Farm > Forest > Pond > Duck [Baby Animals] · Books · Music · Numbers> Counting 1 to 5 · Nursery Rhymes · Holidays > Bird Events · Mar or Apr > Easter - May > Mother's
Day · Seasons > Spring
Five Little Ducks Book Song ·
Learning Numbers 1-5 and Colors
Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

Materials for banner or flannel board
- paper
- scissors
- glue for banner
- craft sticks or drinking straws for hand puppets
- Small pieces of sand paper for flannel board
- Coloring tools
- 1 sheet of construction paper cut lengthwise for banner
Little Ducks, (Raffi Songs to Read) illustrated by José Aruego and Ariane
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Little Ducks, Raffi Songs to Read is a really wonderful book and popular nursery rhyme and song to learn and practice numbers 1 to 5, subtraction concepts, and color recognition.
Here is a read-out-aloud @ YouTube.
Duck theme
lesson plan activities
Review and include printable activities addressing alphabet
letter D, duck facts, online jigsaw puzzles and more.
Before reading the story and song prepare the materials for a banner or flannel board activity.
Steps for flannel board character cards and craft-stick puppets:
1. For display, print color template, cut along solid lines.
2. For children:
Ages 4 and under: Print color version, cut out, and attach cards to craft sticks for hand puppets or make the banner suggested, instructions below.
Ages 4+: Print coloring format. Instruct to color using the same colors as the book or select primary and secondary colors, identify the numerals. Practice scissor cutting or help as needed.
Suggested presentation procedure: Color & Number Practice 1 thru 5 Activity, Music
Read the story from the book, or view poster and distribute the coloring page or your choice.
Place Mommy Duck and the five little ducks (ducklings) felt board characters in number order on the felt board.
As you read the story, remove number 5 from the flannel board, when the first duck is "lost," ask the children what color is the little duck that is left, and so forth, until all five ducks are removed. Continue to reinforce the number and color of the ducklings.
For older children, discuss subtraction concepts and write simple equations:
"5 ducks minus 1 duck equals 4 ducks." At the end of the story, reunite all five ducklings on the flannel board or hold all ducks together. Have all the children cheer and hold up their puppets to celebrate the duck family is reunited!