Activity 1 & 2 > Introduction
to the snail lesson plan
Activity #3 > Alphabet > Introduce
letter S is for Snail printable activities
Activity #4 > Crafts >Snail Theme
Craft 1 > Snail Hand Puppet Craft Activities > Two
Methods > Print this snail coloring page
1. Snail puppet > Coloring a snail > Crayons
If the children have some scissor skills you may want
to distribute thesnail
coloring page so they can color it with crayons and then cut out
the image as you share some facts about the snail. Tape a craft
stick or unsharpened pencil to the back.
2. Snail puppet > Water colors or tempera paint and salt
Print the snail coloring page to a light colored card stock or construction paper sized to
fit in the printer. Distribute and have children use water
colors or diluted tempera paint and allow children to use a salt
dispenser over the wet paint.This will create an
interesting effect and texture.Allow to dry or speed
drying process with a hair dryer. Cut out the image have them glue it or tape it to a Popsicle stick/craft stick or a
new pencil that has not been used.
3. Using their snail puppets, have the children pretend they are
a snail moving slowly around the ocean floor.
Craft 2 > Sea Snail Sand Art >
Idea for older children: Children 5+
Print the snail
coloring page to a pastel color paper, cut out and glue the image
to a blue construction paper.
Decorate with colored sand which is associated with
the marine or sea snail.
To keep the project simple use no more than three colors of sand (one
or two colors for the shell and one for the body). Brush thinned
glue by sections, use a shaker to sprinkle the
sand, wait for a section to dry, shake excess and proceed with the next
Craft 3 > Printable
Snail Paper Craft
1. Print and distribute the snail
paper craft template on any type of paper or sturdy paper. You may want to
print directly on pastel colors for a change of pace and children can
color using crayons, markers, stampers or color pencils or one of the
methods described above.
Option: Encourage the children to make letter S designs on the shell
and make a demonstration.
2. Some children may be able to cut the patterns, and younger ones
will need assistance.
3. Before assembly, have the children hold the shell
pattern and discuss that the shell is a hard surface that protects the
snail body -- it is the snail's home. Ask the children to hold
the snail's body and tell them the body is soft and it is a strong
foot. Have the children glue the
shell to the snails body in the area indicated to protect the body.
4. Optional: After the assembly, attach the snail to half of a toilet paper
roll so the snail can stand for display or be used as a puppet.
Snail Paper

Print Snail coloring page on
construction paper or card stock
*Popsicle stick or craft stick

Paper Craft template
print on any type of paper
Optional: toilet paper roll

S Snail printable activities

coloring pages
Other materials:
* coloring tools
* painting supplies
* scissors
* tape
* glue or glue stick
Optional: salt, colored sand, salt shaker |