Pumpkin Teddy Bear Craft Preschool Printable Activities
Harvest · Autumn · Thanksgiving · Halloween

Pumpkin Teddy Bear Craft Preschool Printable Activities

Theme 1 > Teddy Bears or Bears
During these activities children can learn some basic facts about bears or a famous toy, the teddy bear. This particular bear is dressed up as a pumpkin for a costume party, so it is suitable for a Halloween, Thanksgiving, autumn or harvest theme.

Teddy Bear Background:
Visit the link above for a brief story of the teddy bear, an American treasure, named after the 26th U.S. President, Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt. One of the special qualities of teddy bears is that they provide comfort to the young and the young at heart. The teddy bear is inducted in the Toy Hall of Fame.

Theme 2 > Pumpkins and Jack-o'-Lanterns:
Review the theme for lesson plans and printable activities to incorporate with this craft.

Activity: Pumpkin Bear or Teddy Bear Craft ( 9 pieces) Ages 2+
Prepare an introduction for the theme, holiday or event and what will be presented before starting the craft: such as harvest, nutrition: vegetable/pumpkin. A nursery rhyme activity can help get things started!

Printing and assembly options for Bear or Teddy Craft
Option 1: Print color template, cut out, conduct your choice of learning activities below and assemble.

Option 2
: Print black & white template. Children can color, paint or decorate first, cut out and proceed as above.

Learning activities to conduct before craft assembly:

Shapes & Color Activity:

  • Identify the main shapes for all pieces: circles, ovals.
  • Discuss the colors, on the template (light browns, green, orange) or the colors chosen by the children to color the pieces.

Numbers/Pre-Math Activities:
To conduct these activities pieces should be decorated and cut out.

  1. Sorting/Sizing/: Have the children sort the templates that have specific shapes by size.
    Sort shapes in piles from smallest to largest.

  2. Counting: Count how many shapes are in each pile/size; include counting the eyes printed on the face circle.
    Write the numbers as you count on the blank side of the template to acquaint the children with numbers.

  3. Proceed with craft assembly. Show the small image of the finished craft featured in the template to help during assembly.

    Assembly suggestions:
  1. Assemble head pieces - ears to head in front or behind the template.
  2. Glue arms to body
  3. Glue leaves collar
  4. Glue oval feet
  5. Glue head over white area of leaves collar
Other decorations and ideas:

  • Tape a ribbon or string to back of head to use as decoration or holiday ornament.
  • Replace eye template with wiggly eyes and/or glue pom pom for the nose.
  • Tape the craft to a craft stick (Popsicle stick).
  • Glue to a folded paper or /card stock for an instant greeting card.
  • Write letter B b (Bear) or T t (Teddy) in the bear's body.
  • Halloween: Glue the craft to a standard paper bag, add a handle made construction paper or ribbon, for an instant trick or treat bag.
  • Make a handprint wreath and add the teddy to the bottom for a finishing touch.


  • Close template window after printing to return to this screen.
  • Set page margins to zero (minimum) if you have trouble fitting the template on one page or review Print Help.

Pumpkin Teddy Bear Craft

Pumpkin Teddy Bear Craft    color   or   B&W

Complimentary activities:

Autumn > Pumpkins > Teddy Bears >