Still life ·
Visual Arts · Art Appreciation
Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities
Vincent Van Gogh 1888
Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers
Suggested themes for still life painting: Flowers, Fruit,
and Vegetables
We are going to introduce our children
to another topic in art: a still life.
A still life is a
picture of inanimate objects, such as fruit, food, flowers, dishes, books,
or musical instruments, usually grouped on a flat surface. The
subject matter of a still life's is rarely important for its own sake;
rather, it most often serves as a showcase for the painter's
compositional skill and ability to render detail and texture.
- white paper or easel paper
- For a small still life picture > Drawing and writing paper
- coloring or painting tools
Activity 1: What is a still life? An explanation for young children:
"A still life
shows things that people like to see or use." View some examples here. With that
in mind, let's have fun with this art experience.
Activity 2: I Can Make A Still life
1. Children will pick three favorite objects: their favorite fruit or veggie, or toy stuffed animals, dolls, etc. Ask them to
place them in a table in a grouping any way they like. These
should be right in front of where they can see them to draw or
Set a paper, or easel pad paper with crayons, paints, markers etc.
in front of where toy grouping is, and tell the children to try to
paint/draw the grouping of their favorite things to make a still
life picture.
3. Many children will love to discuss and talk about their
picture either as they work on it or after they are done. It
is a wonderful opportunity to talk about the objects, the colors,
etc. Always refer to the picture as a still life. After
the child is done ask him or her to give a name to their still
life. Write the name on the artwork.
5. For a smaller still life picture use the drawing and writing paper. Children can practice printing the first letter of the theme of their still life.
The following themes to present this art composition: flowers, fruit, and vegetables