Ghost Mini-Windsock Craft · Halloween · Letter G Preschool Printable Activity

Ghost Mini-Windsock Craft · Halloween · Letter G Preschool Printable Activity


  • printer
  • white paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick

The craft for this activity is a simple and printable ghost mini-windsock.

A windsock is a conical tube used to tell wind direction and speed or as a decoration.

The main skills to practice with the craft are:

  • Following a set of four steps of assembly
  • Scissor cutting skills
  • Recognizing different lines: solid, dashed and dotted lines.
  • Shapes > identifying ovals > eyes and mouth of the ghost
  • Colors > identifying white and black


  • Print template.
  • Handle for the windsock > Cut a strip of paper along the long side of the template.
    This paper strip will be used to make a handle. Set aside to attach later. Adult should help with this step.
  • Discuss what is a dashed, dotted and solid line and identify these in the template.
  • Tell the children they are going follow steps to make a fun ghost windsock.
    • Step 1: Cut close to the dashed line, all around the template.
    • Step 2: Cut along the dotted lines. Stop where the dotted line ends.
      Optional: add glitter glue to the template, wait to dry and continue to step 3.
    • Step 3: Apply glue to area marked with an upper case letter G and affix to the underside of lower case letter g.
      The word ghost, starts with letter g. Demonstrate how this is done.
    • Step 4: Help children attach the handle to the undersides of the windsock with tape, glue or stapler.
      Good JOB, the ghost is ready!


  • Close template window after printing to return to this screen.
  • Set page margins to zero (minimum) if you have trouble fitting the template on one page or review Print Help.

Ghost Mini-Windsock Craft | Halloween | Letter G Preschool Printable Activity

Template:   Ghost Mini-Windsock Craft

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Autumn > Halloween >