Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Crafts and Lesson Plan Printable Activities
Preschool and Kindergarten

Let's celebrate with this timeless and classic 19th-century British fairy tale story. The most well-known version is that of author Robert Southey.
- printer
- paper
- white cardstock
- coloring and writing tools
- scissors
- painter's tape
- cardboard paper tube
- small felt or magnetic board
- sandpaper or magnets for storytelling board
Print story time materials: bear cottage and puppets template. Print other materials as needed.
Felt or magnet board: Tape a piece of sandpaper to the back
of the templates, this helps them stick to the felt fabric.
Homemade Toy: Fairy Tale Dramatic Play Figures:
Print the templates on card stock and laminate. Tape the cottage to a card board paper tube. Tape the figures against Lego blocks (standard size). Use painter's tape that is easily removed to store the figures for later use.
Activity > Read Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Online or
After assembling the materials above use them to support the storytelling.
If you have a picture book, that works best. Here are
online versions:
1: Picture book read-aloud - Author: Jan Brett @ YouTube (view below) or locate at a library.
2: English Talking Book - Appuseries @ YouTube
3: Read and print this short version @
Replay the story with the cottage and puppet templates:
Move the puppet figures around to support the story line. Sizing: Point to the
different sizes of the bears: Papa Bear is big, Mama Bear is
medium sized and Baby Bear is small as well as the bowls, the chairs
and beds.
Discuss the message that can be learned from this story:
Should we or Goldilocks enter the house of a person without their
permission or without being invited? Should we or Goldilocks
touch and use their property?, etc.

Pattern Activity
[ color ] [ B & W ]

Sizing Activity
[ color ] [ B & W ]

online jigsaw puzzle
printable puzzle
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
coloring pages
Pease Porridge Hot nursery rhyme
Letter B Bear printable activities
Bears printable crafts
Activity > Math Skill: Goldilocks and the Three
Bears -
Pattern Activity
Print the activity sheet in color
or black & white. The purpose of this activity is for the child to recognize
and complete simple patterns, this is an important math skill. The activity sheet has instructions for conducting the activity.
Activity > Reasoning Skills: Goldilocks and the
Three Bears
Sizing Activity
Print the activity sheet in color
or black &
white. The purpose is to compare objects by sizes conducting different exercises
and pictures.
Match Game Card Game: Print two copies of the activity sheet to
make a fun match game as well - glue the pages to thin cardboard first, then cut to make the cards more durable and can be used
Activity > Online Jigsaw Puzzle and Printable
This is a fun online and printable puzzle to practice problem solving.
Print the puzzle, which is the same image as the online puzzle, and glue to thin cardboard
(cereal box carton) or print to card stock, cover with clear contact paper for durability and cut
through the dotted line for a 4 piece puzzle. As the child
masters the puzzle cut the pieces further or make different size sets
depending on the group of children. Use the puzzle as a surprise
award for completing all the activities.
Activity > Nursery rhyme > Pease Porridge coloring page
This nursery rhyme blends well with this story. Goldilocks and the bears eat porridge in the story.
Game: Clapping game
School children often play Pease Porridge Hot by pairing off and clapping their hands together to the rhyme as follows:
Pease (clap both hands to thighs) porridge (clap own hands together) hot (clap partner's hands),
pease (clap both hands to thighs) porridge (clap own hands together) cold (clap partner's hands),
Pease (clap thighs) porridge (clap own hands) in the (clap right hands only) pot (clap own hands),
nine (clap left hands only) days (clap own hands) old (clap partner's hands).
(Repeat actions for second stanza) [1]
NOTE: The actions are performed during recitation of the word or phrase, not following
[1] Wollaston, The Song Play Book, p. 37