Mothering Sunday Greeting Card
Craft to Practice ShapesPreschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities
what is Mothering Sunday?
Quite simply another wonderful excuse to celebrate and show our
mothers how much we love them. I think one Mother's Day is
not enough so why not celebrate Mothering Day.
Talk about Mothering Day in simple terms and how children do something special for their moms and other moms, like Grandma on that day in various European countries. The children bring flowers, make special cards, or bake a special cake.
Children can make an easy greeting card for Mommies, for Grandma, or other special Mom today and mail it, we may get it next Mothering Sunday!
Activity: Easy Shapes Greeting Cards - 18 months to 6 years old
- printer
- white paper or card stock
- scissors
- glue
- optional: glitter glue
Let's call this technique
"layering,." Using different shapes and images you layer
them to form another image or landscape. Go to the link and
print the template and follow the instructions printed
The youngest child can participate in this greeting card
creation. Add a few drops or use glue stick to the folded
paper and child can place the pieces on the front of the
card. Make sure to mention the color, shape and name of the
flower. You can add a hand print cut-out to the inside of
the card and write a message on top.
Older children can add and
decorate the plain colored pieces first with glitter, paint: brush
strokes, sponging, cotton ball dabbing, stampers, cut-up tissue
paper, etc. , and then proceed to layer the pieces as suggested in
the small image on the template.
Create a 3-D effect:
Place little pieces of roll up tape instead of glue.
This raises the different layers just a bit, and gives a nice 3-D
Envelope: Any standard large greeting card envelope can be used - those left over from the holidays. Make your own envelopes by using a used one as a template. Trace the envelope over wrapping paper - (usually the opposite side is white and the printed side can be the inside of the envelope). Cut and glue and you have an envelope.