Alphabet > Letter C · Animals > Reptiles > Crocodile · Colors > Green · Crafts > Homemade Toys [en español]
Holidays & Events > Jan 26th > Australia Day - Jun > Zoo and Aquarium Month - Oct 21st > Reptile Awareness Day
Holidays & Events > Jan 26th > Australia Day - Jun > Zoo and Aquarium Month - Oct 21st > Reptile Awareness Day
Crocodile Printable Puzzles ·
Homemade Toy
Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

These printable animal puzzles are designed to grow with your child's abilities.
- printer
- paper or card stock
- scissors
- glue
- pen or fine tip marker
- Used envelope for storing the puzzle
- Optional: laminate
Crocodile Printable Puzzles
Stage 1
18 to 24 months approx
Stage 2
2+ to 3 years approx
Stage 3
3+ to 4 years approx
Stage 4
4+ to 6 years approx

Letter C crocodile printable activities
We recommend that you include one or a combination of the following
activities prior to using the puzzle:
Crocodile Printable Puzzles
Stage 1
18 to 24 months approx
Stage 2
2+ to 3 years approx
Stage 3
3+ to 4 years approx
Stage 4
4+ to 6 years approx

Letter C crocodile printable activities
- Review letter C Crocodile lesson plan: It includes simple animal facts, and letter C activities.
- Mimic the movements or sounds that the animal might make.
- Give a special name that starts with the first letter in the animals word. This will make the animal puzzle more special to the child and reinforce the alphabet letter, for example: Cole the Crocodile
- Ask what colors are in the animals body
- Present the puzzle to the child and allow child to put together and show briefly the small image on the upper left corner of the template so the child has a glimpse of the finished puzzle.
- Alphabet practice: Write the letter "C c" one or two times in each piece and ask the child to search for the hidden letters in the puzzle
- Encourage child to store puzzle away after s/he is done (see recommendations for storage below)
Tips on how to store the puzzles:
- Glue or tape the small image (in the left-upper corner of the template) to an envelope. You can use those large left-over greeting card envelopes (from Christmas for example) usually these are bigger or create custom made envelopes by folding a piece of paper in half, close sides with tape.