Bookmark Craft · U.S.A.
Patriotic · Shapes · Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities
Objectives > This activity will help children learn shapes, U.S.A. patriotic colors and how shapes create things. The craft and activities can focus on aUnited States patriotic holiday, and character education focusing on citizenship theme. Present or reinforce letter H is for House, Homeand Hearts all featured in the bookmark craft. Foster a love for reading and caring for books, and to celebrate various literacy related events listed in the holidays and events index. Discuss the role of the community helper > The Librarian and the importance of our national, public and school libraries. Libraries are special homes for books, and other types of information. Children can also make this bookmark as a gift. Review and select educational themes to discuss prior and during the bookmark assembly: Activity > Visual Arts and Literacy > Book Activity: The Shape of Things author Dayle Ann Doods, Illustrated by Julie Lacome Refer to this related book activity to present how shapes form things. It is the perfect companion to presenting the shapes concept used for assembling the bookmark craft below. Tell the children they will make a a special bookmark shaped like a house made of shapes. Instead of the book mentioned above include a patriotic theme holiday book or online story. Tell the children they will make a special bookmark to use for their favorite books or to make as a gift. Activity > Books > Reading > What is a bookmark and how to use it > There are two bookmark texts to select from. Select and discuss the text and the importance of reading. Engage the children in a dialogue about what books they enjoy the most and how a bookmark is used. Activity > Citizenship > The bookmark craft is a vehicle to emphasize on the importance of reading to be informed and efficient citizens. The design of the bookmark is that of a home, representing our country and communities unified and indivisible. Tell the children that reading and learning about our country, understanding our national symbols, history and current events is important to be a good citizens. We can read and discuss the patriotic holiday or biographies of notable Americans and folkloric legends that have been models of good citizenship. Activity > Community helpers > The Librarian | My Neighborhood > Our libraries > Resource: Listen and Read: Librarian @ Activity: Alphabet Activities > H is for Home | Home | Heart This is an opportunity to present letter H is for House | Home or Hearts (featured in the craft). Activity: U.S.A. Patriotic Shapes Home Bookmark Craftand learning activities: Print your choice of bookmark template and assembly instruction - two text selections in the materials column, and refer to learning activities below. Option #1 - Text: I love to read about my home USA Option #2 - Text: Home is the USA The color version is ideal for young children ages 5 and under to emphasizes on shapes, color recognition and following a set of instructions during the assembly. The black and white version is appropriate for older children that are emergent readers and writers. It allows for more creativity to decorate, and color with fine markers or coloring pencils. Most of the non-text template pieces can be used to trace over a variety of scraps of paper materials, or they can write original text.Instruct children to use the patriotic colors. Decorate the bookmark further with holiday stampers, sticker and laminate for durability. Shapes & Color Activity: Identify all shapes for all
pieces on the template: bookmark & door (rectangles), the
hearts, the roof (triangles). Discuss the colors, on the
template (red, blue and white, the color in the national flag). |
Printable USA Patriotic Bookmark Craft![]() Template Option 1: Text: I love to read about my home USA *Color *Black & White Template Option 2: Text: Home is the USA *Color *Black & White Assembly instructions Alphabet printable activities ![]() Letter H Home ![]() Letter H Heart * two sheets of white paper, card stock is better. * scissors * coloring tools * scissors * Read instructions for optional materials to use Include a book about shapes or a related holiday |