Printable Activities > Coloring pages > Letter V · Animals > Birds > Birds of Prey · Endangered > Vulture [en español]
Vultures Coloring Pages
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Enjoy these free vulture coloring pages to color, paint or crafty educational projects for young children and the young at heart.
Observances: 1st Saturday in September · International Vulture Awareness Day
- Superhero Squad: There are actually two vulture teams, even though they're not related! Old World vultures live in Europe, Africa, and Asia, while New World vultures soar in the skies of North and South America. They both play a vital role in keeping our planet healthy.
- Clean-up Crew and Amazing Apetites: Vultures don't actually hunt most of their food. They act as nature's cleanup crew by eating already dead animals. This stops the spread of diseases and keeps things smelling fresh!
- Super Sniffers: New World vultures have amazing senses of smell. They can sniff out a tasty treat from miles away, even if it's hidden under bushes. Talk about a powerful nose!
- Bald is Beautiful: Many vulture heads are bald, not because they're forgetful about hats, but because it keeps them clean while they're eating. Plus, fewer feathers means they stay cooler in the hot sun.
- Endangered Champions: Sadly, some vulture populations are endangered or critically endangered. This means there aren't many of them left. We need to protect these amazing birds to keep our environment healthy.
- Feathery Friends: Vultures might not be the prettiest birds, but they're super important for the world. They're like feathered recycling centers, keeping things clean and balanced in nature. So next time you see a vulture soaring overhead, give it a wave – it's a superhero in disguise!