Printable Activities > Coloring pages > Letter P · Animals > Birds > Endangered · Tropical birds > Parrots [en español]
Parrot Coloring Pages
and Printable Activities @
Enjoy these free parrot coloring pages and printable activities to color, paint or crafty educational projects for young children and the young at heart.
Observances: May 31st - World Parrot Day

lovebirds in a [balloon aircraft]
- Parrots are super smart birds with bright feathers in all kinds of colors, like green, red, blue, and yellow!
- They have strong beaks for cracking nuts and seeds, and some can even use their beaks to climb!
- Parrots can be lots of fun as pets – they love to chat and sing, and some can even learn tricks!
- But remember, parrots need big cages, yummy food, and lots of love to play and cuddle.
- Parrots as pets are a long term commitment, they can live long lives. Small pet parrots live up to 15 years, and larger ones up to 80 years.
- There are many different kinds of parrots, and some live in rainforests. Sadly, some of these rainforest parrots are endangered, which means there aren't very many left.
- We can help endangered parrots by learning about them and protecting their homes!
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