Geckos Coloring Pages
and Printable Activities

Geckos Coloring Pages
and Printable Activities @

Enjoy free geckos coloring pages to color, paint or a crafty educational project for young children and the young at heart.

Have fun coloring these climbing and sticky geckos! Forget nightlights! Geckos have super cool eyes that let them see in the dark, way better than humans. It's like having built-in night vision goggles!

gecko coloring page
gecko coloring page
gecko coloring page
gecko coloring page
banded gecko coloring page
gecko, banded [desert]
draw a gecko and write
Draw a gecko & write
suggestions for use
  1. Sticky Superstars: Geckos are like tiny ninjas with super sticky feet! They can climb walls and even walk on glass thanks to millions of tiny hairs on their toes that act like super glue!
  2. Bug Munchers: Geckos are like nature's tiny vacuum cleaners! They love to eat all sorts of creepy crawlies like crickets, flies, and even mosquitoes. This helps keep the insect population in check, making the ecosystem healthier for everyone!
  3. Tail Tricks: Geckos have a special party trick! If they feel scared, they can actually detach their tail and leave it behind to distract a predator. Then, guess what? They grow a brand new one!
  4. Talkative Tongues: Geckos can't chat like us, but they use their tongues to talk to each other! They flick them in different ways to say things like "hey friend!" or "watch out for that big spider!
  5. Gecko Gang: There are over 1,500 different types of geckos in the world! Have a blast coloring these lizards, they come in all sorts of fun colors and patterns, some even have spots or stripes like a fancy party hat!