Hyena Coloring Pages
and Printable Activities @ First-School.ws
Enjoy these free hyena coloring pages to color, paint or crafty educational projects for young children, preschool, kindergarten, early elementary or anyone that enjoys nature and coloring.
Observances: World Hyena Day is celebrated on April 27th, and aims to change the public's perception of hyenas and their importance on Earth.

letter Hh hyena (ages 2-4) [view set]
- Hyenas are dog-like carnivores found in Asia and Africa. They are known for their scavenging habits, but they are also skilled hunters. Hyenas have long forelegs and a powerful neck and shoulders for dismembering and carrying prey. They are ginger-colored with patterns of dark spots or stripes unique to each individual, and females are larger than males.
- There are four species. The Hyaenidae subfamily includes the spotted hyena, the striped hyena, the brown hyena. The aardwolf is is the only member of the genus Proteles and insectivorous.
- Hyenas are social animals, and they live in groups called clans. Clans can be as large as 80 individuals, and they are led by a dominant female. Hyenas are very territorial, and they will defend their territory from other clans and predators.
- Hyenas are opportunistic hunters, and they will eat anything they can find, including meat, bones, and fruit. They are also known to scavenge for food, and they will often follow lions and other predators in order to eat the remains of their kills.
- The aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) is a nocturnal, insectivorous mammal native to Africa. It is a member of the hyena family, and is the only member of the genus Proteles. The aardwolf is a solitary animal, and is only found in groups when mating or raising young. The aardwolf is an insectivore, and its diet consists mainly of termites.
- In some African tribes, hyenas are viewed as symbols of royalty and power, associated with mystical abilities and ancestral spirits. However, in other cultures, hyenas are considered scavengers and tricksters, associated with death, darkness, and even witchcraft.
- Hyenas are an important part of the African ecosystem, and they help to keep populations of prey animals in check.
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