Cow Printable Puzzles · Bull · Ox · Homemade Toy Preschool Lesson Plan Activities

Cow Printable Puzzles | Bull | Ox | Homemade Toy Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

For children 18 months to 6 years old. This craft can be presented as a bull, cow or ox. Print your choice of Stage 1, 2, 3 or 4 puzzles on the materials column.


  • printer
  • paper or card stock
  • scissors
  • glue
  • pen or fine tip marker
  • Used envelope for storing the puzzle
  • Optional: laminate

Bull - Cow - Ox
Printable Puzzles

Stage 1:
18 to 24 months approx

Stage 2:
2+ to 3 years

Stage 3:
3+ to 4 years approx

Stage 4:

4+ to 6 years approx

Activities to do prior to assembling the puzzle:
We recommend that you include one or a combination of the following activities prior to using the puzzle:

  1. Story time: Read a book or online story that has the animal in the story or is the main character, such as this activities: American Legend: Paul Bunyan and his Blue Ox Babe.
  2. Animal Fun Facts: Discuss some simple facts about the animal found in the alphabet lesson plan for each animal.
  3. Animal Movement & Sounds: Mimic the movements or sounds that the animal might make.
  4. Animal Name: Give a name for the animal puzzle, we recommend that you suggest to give a special name that starts with the first letter in the animals word. This will make the animal puzzle more special to the child and reinforce the alphabet letter.
  5. Color Activity: Ask what colors are in the animals body. Make sure to mention dark and light when describing the colors.
  6. Ask what is odd or strange about the animal: Can a cow stand on two legs?
  7. Combine the puzzle with other related activities in the Bull, Cow or Ox theme.
  8. Alphabet Activity: Write the first letter in the word cow, bull or ox in lower case and upper case in the pieces in your language of preference. Visit related alphabet printable activities > C is for Cow, O ix for Ox (short o sound), Ox ends with the letter X.
  9. Number Activity: Write the numbers in the pieces (depending on the stage level) to practice number recognition and counting.
  10. Nursery Rhyme / Music Activity: Include a nursery rhyme or song activity that relates to the puzzle image. Example: Little Boy Blue Activity
After some of the activities above activities:
  1. Print, cut out and print letter or numbers on the pieces.
  2. Present the puzzle to the child and ask if he can recognize the animal.
  3. Encourage child to put the puzzle together and show briefly the small image on the upper left corner of the template so the child has a glimpse of the finished puzzle.
  4. Once child has completed the puzzle, search for the hidden letters or numbers in the puzzle if you have printed them.
  5. Encourage child to store puzzle, see recommendations for storage below.
  6. Suggestion: Do not glue the puzzle to paper so that it can be used over again. Laminate for durability.
Tips on how to store the puzzles:
Glue or tape the small image (in the left-upper corner of the template) to an envelope. You can use those large left-over greeting card envelopes (from Christmas for example) usually these are bigger or create custom made envelopes by folding a piece of paper in half, close sides with tape.

Games & Toys or Cattle theme >