Camelids Coloring Pages

Camelids Coloring Pages

Enjoy these free camelids coloring pages to color, paint or crafty educational projects for young children, preschool, kindergarten and early elementary.

The camelid family is a herd of hoofed high-fliers (alpacas!), grumpy desert water tanks (camels!), speedy mountain yodelers (guanacos!), helpful pack-a-lanas (llamas!), and royalty of the rocky slopes (vicuñas)!

Observances: June 22 - World Camel Day

alpaca coloring page
alpaca coloring page
camels coloring page
camel [various]
guanaco coloring pages
guanaco coloring pages
llama coloring pages
llama [various]
vicuna coloring page
vicuña or vicuna (wild)
vicuna coloring page
vicuña or vicuna (wild)


Camelids are a wacky crew of animals with long necks, funny-looking feet, and some seriously cool adaptations for tough environments! They come in two main flavors: the ones with humps (like camels) and the ones without (like llamas and alpacas). Let's meet some of these amazing creatures:

  1. Alpacas: These gentle guys are known for their soft fleece, which keeps them warm in the chilly Andes Mountains. They love munching on grass all day and spitting (mostly at each other, not people!) to show they're annoyed.
  2. The Camel is the desert superstar! With one or even two humps on its back, a camel can store extra fat for when food is scarce, and also conserve water. They're strong enough to carry heavy things across hot sands.
  3. Guanacos are wild camelids that live way up high in the Andes Mountains. Guanacos are super fast runners and can jump really high – way higher than you!
  4. Llamas are the helpful heroes of the Andes. They've been helping people in South America for thousands of years by carrying heavy things on their backs. Llamas are pretty smart and they can even be trained to be like furry friends!
  5. Vicuñas are the fancy pants of the camelid world! Vicuñas are the rarest and wildest of the bunch, with fur so soft it's called "fleece of the gods." They live in high, cold mountains and are fast runners.

So, there you have it! From fuzzy friends to desert superstars, camelids are important members of many communities. They provide wool, transportation, and even help protect other animals. Pretty cool, right?