Aquarium Craft · Ocean Creatures Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

Activities Materials

Natural Settings: Aquarium: The Bottom of the Sea

Activity #1: Alphabet Letter A a is for Aquarium > First, present what is an aquarium and alphabet letter A printable materials.

The World Association of Early Childhood Educators has granted permission to First-School to share with you an activity contained in their comprehensive program for children 2 to 6: The Children's Club (A Club for the Children that Take Care of Planet Earth): A Project in Values Education for Children 2 to 6 years of age<All of these activities combine learning values and in the process, learning to take care of our planet.

The activities are designed for groups but I will do my best to adapt this activity so that only one child at home can also enjoy it. Additional materials, links and resources will be added after the description and goals to enhance the activity.

Activity #2 from WAECE: The Children's Club
Natural Settings:
The Bottom of the Sea - Making an Aquarium

We work on:
  • Appreciation of the environment
  • Observation
  • Collaboration

All the children are going to make an aquarium.

The teacher will bring a cardboard box, a little bigger than a shoe one. He/she will glue blue or green papers in the inner sides of the box, simulating the water. The upper part of the box will remain open, according to the model:

Aquarium Craft · Ocean Creatures Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

Image property of WAECE - reprinted for educational and illustration purposes only.

The teacher will print the supplementary material (here). Each child will chose an animal or plant from the illustration and color and cut it up. If the drawing they have chosen is an animal, they will glue them on a toothpick. Then both things, plants and animals, will be put inside the box. That will represent the bottom of the sea.
Reprinted with permission - World Association of Early Childhood Educators.

Here are some suggestions and variations for the project above:
1. Cut out "windows" on the shorter sides and one front of the box with a sharp craft knife (adult) and line the rest of box with blue or green paper as the illustration.
2. If sand is not available place clumps of play dough on the bottom of the box, add small stones or dried beans to the scenery. Replace toothpicks for craft stick/Popsicle sticks, these are safer.
3. Reinforce the importance of collaborating together as children work together to make the aquarium project. Later focus on observation: observe and identify some of the animals in the images: fish, crab, dolphin, octopus. There are activities and information for these ocean creatures in the themes column.

Variations of the project if a box is not available:
**Ocean Scene
: For a simpler craft have the children color or paint a piece of paper with light blue paint, wait to dry, glue some sand in the bottom and then decorate with the images. Faster: provide a piece of blue paper and proceed as above.
**Paper Plate Fish Bowl: Use a large paper plate and have the children color or paint light blue paint for water. Glue the decorated images.
** Drawing and handwriting : Kindergarten - Grade 1
Print this drawing and writing paper. The upper box will represent the aquarium or fish tank. Children will color the inside of the box blue and draw or paste the images in the template (not all images will fit). Practice writing letter A (aquarium) on the handwriting lines below.
** Fish counting and fish bowl craft and letter F activity:
Instead of the activity above, visit this nursery rhyme and craft activity

Activity #3 Dive Deep with Weebit Cuckoo and his Mini Submarine

Focus: Observation and Learning names of Ocean creatures | The Submarine a water transportation vehicle > watercraft

Take the children on an underwater adventure in mini submarine to see observe great ocean creatures. Make sure to click on the ocean creatures to reveal their names. Make sure to discuss what is a submarine and how this water transportation vehicle helps us to observe and study the ocean.
1. Can the children identify any of the animals they see here and the ones in their aquarium project?
Yes, a dolphin!

Activity #4: Look into Frogwart's Crystal Ball to observe ocean creatures

Have children take turns scrolling and clicking on the images to reinforce collaboration.
Scroll on the side bar and click on the ocean creatures to see what happens. Can the children identify any of the animals they see here and the ones in their aquarium project?
Yes, an octopus!

A Visit to an Aquarium | Marine Theme Park
Plan a visit to an aquarium in your area. Make this project before or after the visit. Before visiting the aquarium visit their web site so you can explore and plan the visit together and get acquainted with the map and any resources they may have.

Animals > Ocean · Aquatic >