Printable Activities > Coloring pages > Letter D & P · Animals > Birds > Dove and Pigeon - Columbidae [en español]
Dove and Pigeon Coloring Pages
and Printable Activities @
Enjoy these free doves coloring pages to color, paint or crafty educational projects for young children and the young at heart.
The dove is appropiate for the following holidays and events:
- February 14 - Valentine's Day
- July 30 - Friendship Day [info. day varies by country]
- September 21 - International Day of Peace [info.]
- Tiny or Big? Doves vs. Pigeons! These cooing birds are actually part of the same family, but doves are generally smaller and more slender than their plump pigeon cousins.
- Symbols of Peace! For centuries, doves and pigeons have been a sign of peace. Their gentle cooing and white feathers represent calmness and hope.
- Lovebirds in the Sky! Doves are also linked to love. These loyal birds often mate for life, making them a symbol of devotion and everlasting love.
- Messengers with Wings! Believe it or not, pigeons have been trained for centuries to carry messages! They were used to deliver important news before the days of mail or phones. Imagine a feathered mail carrier!
- Cooing City Dwellers! Doves and pigeons can be found in many places around the world, including bustling cities. Next time you're at the park, see if you can spot one of these fascinating feathered friends!
- Doves in Christianity: In Matthew 3:16 and Luke 3:22 describe the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus as a dove during his baptism. The dove that returned to Noah's ark with an olive leaf after the flood represented hope and God's love for humanity (Genesis 8:8-12).

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