Gorilla Theme Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities and Crafts

Young children will have fun making an easy and fun craft of an ape. During the assembly process many skills and educational themes can be addressed. Other printable support materials and links to related activities are provided. Let's get started.
Activity > Learning about Apes > Endangered
1. Science and social studies objectives:
- Understand that people need to respect animal and plant life, natural resources and habitats.
- Identify ways people help protect these living things so that they are not endangered or become extinct.
- Define and understand the terms:
- extinct: to die out, there aren't any left alive.
- endangered species: when an animal or plant species is in danger of becoming extinct. - Identifying an endangered animal: the gorilla.
- Identifying at least one endangered animal in your geographical area, country or region. Learn a few facts about this animal.
- Ask the children if they have ever seen a real ape and discuss comments.
- What do they know about gorillas.
- Do they have a favorite story, TV or movie gorilla character.
2. Discuss some simple facts about apes.
- An ape is a mammal in the group of primates, which includes chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas, and orangutans.
- Apes do not have tails.
- They have very flexible hands and feet.
- Apes live in the forests in Africa and Asia (two continents)
- The gorilla is a very large ape that lives in African forests. Gorillas are the largest of the primates. All gorillas living in the wild are endangered and in danger of extinction.
- We need to take care of apes, because many are critically endangered (review and define) and could become extinct (review and define).
- People around the world are dedicated to protecting apes and their habitats and unique forests.
- Online resource > National Geographic Kids > Endangered Apes: mountain
gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, and white-handed gibbon.
Activity > Letter G is for Gorilla alphabet lesson plan printable activities [hard g sound]
Activity > Online Jigsaw Puzzle > GorillaChildren will enjoy this fun gorilla image. Skills: Problem solving, bilingual English and Spanish The default puzzle is 6 pieces.
Activity > Apes & gorillas
coloring pages for puppets and display
These coloring pages can be printed on sturdy card stock paper to make
puppets. Color,
cut out and attach a craft stick to the back.
Activity > Books & Literature > Visit the Goodnight, Gorilla picture book activities
Activity > Printable
Ape Craft @ Ages
All you need is a printer, paper or construction paper, glue stick, scissors and something to color with.
Before craft assembly conduct some of the learning activities suggested for the craft which may include: identify colors, number and count the craft templates.
Skills developed during craft assembly: Scissor cutting and coloring are precursors to handwriting, problem solving, fine motor skills.