Advent Wreath Craft · Christmas Bible Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

- printer
- paper or card stock or wrapping paper, wall paper or fabric scraps
- coloring tools for B&W template
- scissors
- glue stick
- optional items mentioned
Ages: 3 to 6 Level: Preschool and
Kindergarten, VBS, Sunday school
The following set of activities are to
engage children in the holy season of Advent and the central message
is: Advent is getting ready for Jesus' Birthday.
Review here information about Advent
that may be helpful to prepare for the activities.
The closest Sunday to November 30th is the beginning of Advent - the
season that gets us ready to celebrate Jesus' coming at
Christmas. These activities can help children
experience this holiday as a holy-time, the celebration of God's
love for us in sending his son, Jesus - the fulfillment of His
The advent wreath craft (two sizes) has four flames the child
can paste on each candle for each Advent Sunday. This craft can be
presented the day before the 1st Advent Sunday. On each
Advent Sunday conduct an activity related to the events preceding and
following the birth of Jesus before pasting each candle -- suggestions
below. This process will make the symbolic lighting of the candles
(pasting each candle) memorable and meaningful. Display
the wreath somewhere the children can see frequently to remember
and enjoy waiting for Jesus' birthday.
Craft: Advent Wreath
Printing and assembly options:
The craft is available in two sizes and with an
optional image of Mary and Jesus, and both sizes can be printed in color or
line format to color and decorate. The wreath without image is
ideal to add a photo of the children or a family/group portrait, or
add a Nativity image from a used greeting card. The smaller
size wreath is meant for use as an ornament, gift or gift tag.
**The large size is best suited for younger children ages 2 to
4 since the larger pieces are easier to assemble and has greater
visual impact.
Choose the templates below.
Assembling the craft:
Color Templates: Cut out pieces and assemble as
illustrated. Paste pocket template to back for storing the
flames (read note below).
Storing Flames: A small rectangle template is provided to
make a small pocket on the back of the craft to store the flames.
Tape to the back with printed words side down. **Remember, do
not paste the flame templates all at once - these are pasted on
each Advent Sunday after conducting a related Bible activity.
The pink candle is generally lit on the third Sunday (Gaudete
Sunday). Please adapt the sequence of lighting the
candles to your denomination.
Black & White Template:
Suggestion: Make a color by the number activity on the templates
assign a number and color for the templates. Discuss what each
color represents:
#1 wreath = green - ongoing life
#2 (3 candles) = purple, light purple (hope, peace, and love)
blue (color of the night sky before daylight returns)
#3 3rd or 4th candle = pink (joy, anticipation of the Lord's
#4 (4 flames) = yellow & orange (comfort of light in darkness)
Other ideas: Cut the template pieces from felt (glue the wreath
shape to card stock or thin card board) or fun foam instead of
construction paper or other craft paper. The small version
can also be used to create a greeting card (fold a
standard sized card stock and paste to front.
Suggestions for activities for each Advent Sunday:
Here are simple crafts and activity suggestions to do each
Advent Sunday in conjunction with a reading and discussion from a
Bible storybook (links to Bible text included) and related coloring
pages. Nearly all of the crafts can be used as Christmas tree
ornaments by adding a looped ribbon or piece of yarn. After
conducting each activity paste the flame that corresponds on the Advent wreath or calendar crafts.
- 1st Sunday: Luke 1:26-38 > Annunciation activity and Bell Angel craft Age 2.5+
- 3rd Sunday: Luke 2:1-7 Baby Jesus is Born> Nativity crafts > #1 or #2 Age 3+ or Christmas Candle craft Age 2+
- 2nd Sunday: Luke 2:8-20 > Angel Visits the Shepherds > activities and crafts for > shepherd, sheep · lamb Age 3+
- 4th Sunday: Matthew 2:1-12> The Three Wise Men (the Magi) follow a star to find Jesus > Nursery rhyme activity: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star & Star crafts
Plan other activities throughout the period of advent that will focus on celebrating Jesus' birthday by giving, helping and thanking others. As you do these activities, that encourage giving and caring, explain that doing things for others is one special way of giving Jesus a birthday present on Christmas.
- If you have a Nativity decoration with figures, share it or review these craft ideas so children can enjoy their own Nativity. **Stand up Nativity a very easy craft that features Baby Jesus, Mary & Joseph, add small toy plastic barn animals to the scene.
- If conducting these activities at home, invite other children to share and make some ornaments, or similar craft they can take home as gifts.
- Attend a midnight Mass or any other activities that your place of worship has planned for the holidays: food drives/pantry, dinners for the homeless, etc.
- Involve children in gift wrapping activities, and have child make their own gifts for relatives and friends as much as possible such as ornaments, cards and emphasize on recycling. When children receive gifts, help to make thank you cards.
- Help children make, purchase and share nearly new toys with needy children -- probably your place of worship has arrangements and plans for distribution.
- Arrange for a visit to a senior citizen nursing home and bring some holiday fruit in a basket (call first to inquire about gift policies) and take a Christmas storybook that can be shared.
- Show appreciation for your community helpers in some way: teachers, mail carriers, police officers, firefighters, maintenance workers, etc. Children can help bake cookies or a cake, and sit with children as you prepare (write a check) to make a contribution to their holiday fundraising efforts -- child can decorate the envelope, and help mail it, etc.
- If you are planning on a bringing a pet for the family this holiday season, consider adopting one from the animal shelter and help save one of God's creatures. When you name the pet think of a name that may remind your family of the meaning of Christmas.
Wreath Small [color] [B&W]
Mary & Jesus image [color] [B&W]
Advent Wreath Large [color] [B&W]
Mary & Jesus image
Christmas Bible coloring pages