Grapes Coloring Painting Activity · I am the Vine; You Are the Branches · John 15:5 Bible Preschool Lesson Plan Activities

- printer
- choice of paper: card stock, watercolor or print to a pastel color paper
- coloring tools: crayons, markers, dot markers or paints
- washable paints, brushes
- Optional: small wiggly eyes
- real grapes for display and snack
- Optional: display items derived from grapes: wine vinegar, jam, preserves or jelly, juice, etc.
These activities will focus on the message in the Book of John, Chapter 15:5.
Hold a bunch of grapes then ask the student to hold, and smell the grapes. Observe how smaller branches are connected to bigger branches and how all connect to a main vine. The branches cannot grow by themselves, they need to be connected to the vine to bear fruit.
Present the Bible passage:
John 15:5: (Jesus said): “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (NIV)
Explain in your own words and in very simple terms, how we are branches that need to be connected to the vine in order to grow in God's love:
We are branches like the branches in a grape vine, and the vine is Jesus/God.
It is not possible for a branch to grow by itself, a branch must be connected to the vine to bear fruit and grow.
Adjust and add any other comments you feel are necessary to complete the presentation of the biblical passage. Be prepared to answer questions that child may have.
Alternative passage: The Parable of the Vineyard Workers Matthew 20:1-16 (ICB)Activity > Coloring or Painting Grapes
Tell student they will be doing an art activity about grapes to celebrate how much Jesus loves us. Display: a bunch of real grapes, you can also show other items you may have like wine vinegar, grape jam or jelly, etc.
For the youngest kids, keep it simple and have two colors: purple / violet and green. The image is simple, so using fingerpaints is also appropiate.
For older preschoolers and early elementary, present the the magic of making the color purple! RED + BLUE. Mixing primary colors to obtain a secondary one is so much fun, and it is almost like doing magic! in a small container put small amounts of red and blue tempera paint. Allow the student to mix small amounts to paint the grapes.
An alternative activiy is the Grapes Circles Craft, that can be done with circle cutouts or dabbing paint. The templates are available with Bible text for John 15:15.
Important Note: The suggested discussion is only a generic guide. Please adjust the presentation to religious denomination, and or consul with your spiritual guide.
Alphabet: Present or reinforce alphabet letter G is for grapes or Letter V is for vine included in the Bible Alphabet.
Nutrition and Snack: During snack time we can casually talk about the nutritional benefits of eating fruits daily and the recommended amounts at the children's age. Eat the grapes with a dressing of yogurt.
Important Note: The suggested discussion is only a generic guide. Please adjust to a religious denomination, and consult with your spiritual guide.