Grapes Craft and Painting Preschool Activities

- printer
- choice of paper: card stock, watercolor or print to a pastel color paper
- coloring tools: crayons, markers, dot markers or paints
- washable paints, brushes
- Optional: small wiggly eyes
- real grapes for display and snack
- Optional: display items derived from grapes: wine vinegar, jam, preserves or jelly, juice, etc.
This is a fun way to practice or introduce the letter G, and color purple. Yummy, juicy, scrumptious and groovy grapes!
This is also a wonderful activity to celebrate nutrition and health events.
Activity > Learn about grapes:
A grape is a small juicy fruit, with a smooth skin that is in various colors, some are green, red or purple. Grapes grow in bunches on woody vines, called grapevines.
We can eat grapes raw, or drink the juice and make jelly/jams and fruit spread. A raisin is any dried grape. A currant is a dried Zante grape. Grape leaves are also edible.
Concord grapes are dark blue to purple and are used to make the most popular grape juice and jelly, a staple food in the U.S. Concord grape jelly is typically used to make peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
The recommended daily intake of fruit for children is one 1 to 1 1/2 cups a day. 1/2 a cup of raisins is approximately 16 grapes.A fun way to eat them is to wash them, take them of the bunch, and freeze them.
Grapes ripen towards the end of summer where they grow best; the peak harvest continues into fall (autumn). A cornucopia (horn of plenty) is often filled with grapes and other fruit and vegetables, and it is associated with Thanksgiving and the autumn harvest.
Grapes @ Simple English Wikipedia.orgActivity > Grapes Circles Craft
This printable cut and paste activity is easy from toddlers to older preschoolers. It focuses on circles, the colors purple and green, counting 1 - 15, and eye-and-hand coordination. Older kids can practice scissor skills tracing and cuting the circles.
Take a snack break: Eat grapes and dip in yogurt.
Activity > Grapes or Vine Coloring Page Painting or Dot Marking:
- Keep a bunch of grapes on display
- The grape coloring pages images invite using fingerpaints and/or washable tempera
- Print directly to a pastel color paper for a complimentary background color.
- You can keep it simple and use a green and purple paint or dot markers or,
- Mix two or three different hues of purple by mixing blue with red or make different tints adding white or black with tempera or fingerpaints
Activity > Alphabet: Present or reinforce alphabet letter G is for grapes or Letter V is for vine included in the Bible Alphabet.
Activity > Character Education > Literacy > Aesop's Fable > The Fox and the Grapes > Print, read and discuss the fable. Discuss what is a fable and watch the video.
Activity > Bible > John 15: "I am the Vine; You Are the Branches."
This activity is appropriate for Sunday school, at home or vacation Bible school.